Attorney at law registered with the Greater Poland Bar Association.
She has extensive practical experience in rendering legal services for entrepreneurs, both who start their business as well as companies operating on the market for many years.
She assists the Clients in the process of implementation of their business ideas, take part in negotiations, deal with contacts between employees and employers, prepare contracts, solve day-to-day legal problems as well as represent my Clients in judicial proceedings.
She provides assistance both to entrepreneurs who operate in the domestic market and those focused on cooperation with foreign partners, also in the field of production, distribution and sales.
Since 2014 she has been keeping a legal blog TRANSGRANICZNE.PL devoted to cross-border disputes.
Selected projects
- a series of trainings co-organized with Poznań Biznes Partner: “Limited liability company. Practical issues.” and “Selection of the optimal corporate form”
- training on “Business in good shape” co-organized with Zielona Góra City Hall
- 3rd and 4th Expert Seminar on the application of the EU international private and procedural laws: “Conscious choices in cross-border enforcement” organized by the Department of International and European Law at the University of Wrocław
- conference co-organized with the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS) in Poznań: “Cooperation with foreign trade partners – law and taxes”
- Skarga pauliańska. Praktyczne narzędzie prawne ochrony wierzyciela w razie niewypłacalności dłużnika [Actio Pauliana. A practical legal tool to protect the creditor in the event of the debtor’s insolvency]. Date of publication: 8 May 2019
- Szczególna ochrona umów zawieranych przez konsumentów na gruncie rozporządzenia Bruksela I bis. Jurysdykcja sądu w sprawie umów konsumenckich [Special protection for contracts concluded by consumers under the Brussels Ia Regulation. Jurisdiction over consumer contracts.] Date of publication: 11 October 2017
- Rozporządzenie Bruksela I bis, Model powszechnej automatycznej wykonalności orzeczeń w UE [Brussels Ia Regulation; The model of universal automatic enforceability of judgments in the EU]. Date of publication: 11 July 2016
- Europejskie postępowanie w sprawie drobnych roszczeń [European Small Claims Procedure]. Date of publication: 20 September 2016
- Umowne określenie jurysdykcji sądu [Stipulation of the court jurisdiction in the agreement]. Date of publication: 16 August 2016
- Odpowiedzialność prawna osób pełniących samodzielne funkcje techniczne w budownictwie. Poradnik praktyczny. [Legal liability of engineers performing independent technical functions in construction industry. A practical guide.]. Date of publication: 1 September 2016.
- Graduate from the Faculty of Law and Administration at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Master’s degree in European Law at Tours Université François-Rabelais (academic degree: Master 2 juriste européen)
- Postgraduate diploma in Public Procurement Law at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Internship at the Embassy of Poland in Paris in Political, Consular and Protocol Sections
- English