According to the article 13 section 1 and section 2 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 of April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the ‘’GDPR’’), I inform that:


I. Personal data Administrator.

The Administrator of your personal data is Joanna Lubecka running a business under the name: Kancelaria Adwokacka Joanna Lubecka,  ul. Bóżnicza 1/14, 61-751 Poznan, VAT number: 9730944907, REGON: 361926060, address e-mail:


II. Contact with the Administrator. 

Possible forms of contact with the Administrator are:

1) phone contact: +48 666 085 936

2) contact via e-mail:

3) contact via contact form located on the site

4) contact by letter on the correspondence address: ul. Bóżnicza 1/14, 61-751 Poznan


III. Kind of personal data processing.

Personal data processing includes following kinds of data:

– name/names and surname,

– company name,

– address e-mail,

– phone number,

– correspondence address,

– data provided by you in the process of implementation of the agreement concluded with the Administrator in connection with provided legal services,

– data obtained from other people in the process of implementation of the agreement (for example: opposing party, the court, the bailiff).


IV. The purpose of personal data processing and the legal basis of its processing.

1. Your personal data shall be processed according to the rules indicated in the article 5 GDPR and article 6 of Law of Attorney of 26 May 1982 in order to:

a. discharging by the Administrator the responsibilities arising from the legal aid agreement, according to the article 6 section 1 letter a GDPR,

b. discharging by the Administrator the responsibilities in the interests of the person whose data concerns before entering into the contract, according to the article 6 section 1 letter b GDPR,

c) discharging from the legal responsibility imposed on the Administrator, according to the article 6 section 1 letter c GDPR.

2. Providing of personal data is voluntary. However personal data processing is necessary in order to implementation by the Administrator its contractual obligations in the range of providing legal aid services.


V. Recipients of personal data.

1. Your personal data may be shared following entities:

– entities dealing with accounting service in the range of business activity run by the Administrator;

– entities dealing with operating of information systems in the range of business activity run by the Administrator;

– common courts, administrative courts, administrative authorities;

– entities cooperating with the Administrator for the needs of provision of legal services or in order to implementation the obligations arising from the legal provisions.

2. The Administrator is not going to provide your personal data to third country or to international organisations.


VI. The period of processing and storing personal data.

Your personal data will be processed until the purpose of its processing ends in relation to the concluded legal aid agreement or to the time of withdrawal of consent for its processing, however not longer than to limitation redress or conviction.


VII. Rights of people, whose personal data are processed.

A person whose personal data concern is entitled to:

a. access to its personal data, in accordance with article 24 section 1 point 3 UODO and article 15 GDPR;

b. correction of its personal data, in accordance with article 24 section 1 point 3 UODO and article 16 GDPR;

c. deletion of its personal data (‘’right to be forgotten’’), in accordance with article 17 GDPR;

d. limitation of its personal data, in accordance with article 18 GDPR;

e. transfer of its personal data, in accordance with article 20 GDPR.

In order to exercise abovementioned rights, you should contact with the Administrator in one of the ways indicated in point II of this information clause.

A person whose data concern has also the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, if it thinks that processing of its personal data infringes GDPR.



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