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Where will the dispute arising from the contract concluded with a foreign contractor take place?

However, when there is a dispute in the court, the basic practical difficulty leads to answering the question - where will such a dispute take place. In the contractor country or abroad? Can it be secured somehow?

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19 12 2023

Payment terms in a contract with a foreign contractor - how to define them?

One of the most important points that needs to be clarified in a B2B contract concluded with a foreign contractor are the terms of payment of the agreed remuneration. Payment after delivery of the subject of the contract or prepayment? And if so, what should be its amount? Which solution to choose? Read below.

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12 12 2023

Contract with a foreign contractor - what should it contain?

Regardless of the form in which the agreement with a foreign partner is concluded, it is important that the parties agree on the most crucial elements of the contract. Incorporating these clauses will enable the parties to execute the contract in a transparent manner, without any ambiguity or uncertainties.

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05 12 2023

6 reasons why it is worth regulating the circumstances related to the occurrence of force majeure in the contract

When force majeure events occur in international trade contracts, significant problems may arise in the process of its performance. However, including appropriate clauses in the contract that address such issues can help to manage the situation in a controlled and orderly manner.

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28 11 2023

Force majeure in international contracts

As it is for the pandemic the world is slowly returning to normality, and there is much less talking about coronavirus cases, many entrepreneurs still feel the severe effects caused by the pandemic, including: disruptions in supply chains, lack of availability of materials or lack of components.

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21 11 2023

Guarantee obligations in a B2B contract with a foreign contractor - what cannot be ignored

Case study. Check what Adam forgot when negotiating a contract with a foreign contractor

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14 11 2023

5 points worth regulating in the provisions regarding the warranty when delivering abroad

Although the indicated issues should be clearly regulated in each contract on the basis of which the guarantee is granted, in the case of foreign deliveries they are particularly important.

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07 11 2023

Negotiations of a contract concluded with a foreign business partner - what should you remember about?

Below you will find some useful information on how to negotiate contracts concluded with a foreign business partner.

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31 10 2023

NDA – Confidentiality agreement in international contracts

The purpose of the NDA is to secure the confidential nature of information that is provided to the other party in connection with the commencement of negotiations, determining the terms of possible cooperation between the parties, the concluded contract, cooperation or employment.

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24 10 2023

Final provisions of B2B contracts in the international trade - why should you start reading the contract from them?

The standard practice is to start reading each document from the beginning. In the case of B2B contracts concluded with a foreign contractor, it is worth reversing this order.

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17 10 2023


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